Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Very Festive Cookie

I decided to try out a new icing technique last week since we were getting close to the 4th of July. I have never used royal icing on a sugar cookie before, and was pretty excited to see how it would turn out. I can honestly say that I do need some more practice, but it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. I actually had a lot of fun making them too.

Before you can start filling in any colors, you have to make an outline of some sort and let it dry. This creates a dam that the rest of the icing fills into.

After I had filled all of the colors in. They must be done color by color so the don't run.

I made some smaller cookies too that were just red. They ended up being the biggest hit since you could just pop them in your mouth.

Thinking about trying something else this week too. Not sure what, but I definitely want some more practice at this icing. So much fun!

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