Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fourth of July with the Williams

I love the 4th. It's one of my favorite holidays. Since my birthday is only two days after the fourth, we always celebrated on the 4th when I was a kid. I thought it was my holiday and absolutely loved it! This year we went up to the lake and spent time with family. We also spent time with friends down at the Braves game. We had so much fun...even with the heat included.

Tailgating at the Braves game with a lot of friends we haven't seen in a while. Wish we could have gotten more of us together, but definitely loved the time we spent with these folks!

View from General Admission, never sat this high in my life. It was so incredibly hot out there.

Sun finally starting to set. I give these seats one thing, you could definitely see every inch of the field. Now if you could just see the ball we would be set!

New hat from my bestie as a birthday present. I am going to wear it out before the week is over!

Haley begging for Doritos on the dock on a quick lunch break from swimming.

Following mom intently as she eats ribs.

How could you say no to this face?

Dad freaking out because there is lightning and rain on the lake as we are trying to watch the fireworks. No pain, no gain!

Some of the fireworks we got to see! Such a great show, and all for my birthday? HA!

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