Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Present for Paige

I got to spend last weekend with my little sister, Paige, in Athens. I went up on Saturday, we got pedis, had lunch, went to a Gym Dogs meet, and ended up at dinner and a bar that night. We really had a blast. I can honestly say that going back to college is nowhere in my near future. Apparently I'm old now. I do enjoy the schedule, the sleeping in, but the late nights are about more than I can do. I just don't bounce back like I used to. I guess with age comes responsibility, and the inability to down as many well drinks at the Hangover!

Since my precious sister was letting me crash her apartment and her weekend plans, I wanted to make her something she could use in the apartment. Now I know college students don't typically host the same kind of parties that newly-marrieds do, but I still thought it was a cute idea.

I found some red platters, and a couple of white ones too, at Target right after Christmas. I think they were part of their Christmas collection, and I was able to snag a couple at a discounted price. This is why I love to wander Target and see what's on sale that no one knows about. After finding the plate, I borrowed my mom's Cricut and went to town. I think it ended up pretty cute, and hope that she enjoys it. I have been contemplating adding bow/s to make it something she can  set up on a plate stand. 

Love ya sis, and I had a blast in Athens! BTW, she is one of two people I would create anything UGA related for! 

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